
An innovative biostimulator based on genetically engineered type I collagen, hyaluronic acid and carboxymethylcellulose


KARISMA – what is it?

KARISMA to biostymulator na bazie kolagenu typu I pozyskiwanego metodą inżynierii genetycznej, a także kwasu hialuronowego oraz karboksymetylocelulozy. Preparat zawiera naturalne składniki i jest biozgodny z ludzkimi tkankami. Ma przede wszystkim działanie biostymulujące, czyli pobudza w skórze produkcję włókien kolagenowych i elastynowych, prowadząc do jej przebudowy, a w efekcie do poprawy jędrności, gęstości i elastyczności, a także zmniejszenia zmarszczek, blizn czy rozstępów. Jest też jednocześnie delikatnym wypełniaczem, tzw. soft fillerem, dzięki czemu pozwala w naturalny sposób poprawić owal twarzy i jej tzw. wolumetrię z efektem widocznym praktycznie zaraz po zabiegu. Stymuluje też skórę do naturalnej regeneracji.

Kolagen zastosowany w KARISMIE jest pozyskiwany z nici jedwabnika, a nie z tkanek zwierzęcych. Dzięki temu nie powoduje alergii i niepożądanych odczynów. Jest biozgodny z ludzkimi tkankami.

Get to know the procedure better

  • biozgodność i biodostępność,
  • przyspiesza namnażanie fibroblastów i regenerację tkanek, pobudza produkcję kolagenu, prowadząc do zagęszczenia i ujędrnienia skóry, daje natychmiastowy efekt naturalnego wypełnienia i wolumetrii,
  • jednorodność produktu – ma kontrolowane właściwości fizyczne i reologiczne,
  • the product is non-immunogenic, hypoallergenic, does not cause allergic reactions and side effects, the body does not react to it as a foreign body,
  • the first effect can be seen immediately after the treatment; then it strengthens over time – as the skin remodelling induced by the administration of KARISMA progresses,
  • efekty są naturalne i przewidywalne,
  • the procedures are safe, with a low risk of complications, and require no recovery time.

The unique composition of the product is based on three synergistically acting ingredients:

  • Type I collagen α1 chain polypeptide - stimulates the production of type I collagen in the skin, which accounts for 80% of the collagen present in the skin (there are 28 known types of this protein found in the human body). This is the so-called collagen of youth. Unfortunately, from the age of 25, its amount decreases by an average of 2% per year and, during menopause, by as much as 30-35%! Its quality also deteriorates – the fibres stretch and lose their support properties. The purpose of the biostimulators is to stimulate collagen production in the skin so that it regains its firmness, elasticity, resilience and youthful appearance.
  • Hyaluronic acid with a high molecular weight (1200-1500 kDa) – HA is another important component of human tissues, produced in the extracellular matrix, responsible for hydration, smoothness and filling of the skin. The noncross-linked hyaluronic acid used in KARISMA improves the quality of the extracellular matrix, creating optimal conditions for the growth, proliferation and migration of fibroblasts, i.e. the cells responsible for the production of collagen and elastin. It accelerates regeneration processes, moisturises, revitalises, and improves skin quality. The gentle filling effect is visible immediately after the procedure.
  • Carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) – is an anti-ageing polymer widely used in the pharmaceutical industry. It inhibits the activity of free radicals and the endogenous enzyme of hyaluronidase, which is responsible for the faster breakdown of hyaluronic acid in tissues (it has a protective effect against it).

Preparat najczęściej wykorzystujemy w zabiegach przeciwstarzeniowych na obszarze twarzy i dekoltu, a także dla odmłodzenia skóry grzbietów dłoni, która z wiekiem traci jędrność i objętość. Wspomagająco możemy też zastosować go w celu redukcji rozstępów i ujędrnienia skóry np. brzucha czy ramion.

  • loss of firmness, flabbiness of the skin,
  • tissue drooping, jawline abnormalities, sagging cheeks,
  • smoker’s wrinkles, fine lines and wrinkles,
  • acne scars
  • scars and stretch marks,
  • skin lacking in tension, density, and elasticity,
  • so-called smoker’s skin,
  • skin frequently exposed to the sun,
  • signs of ageing of the décolleté: flabbiness, mesh of wrinkles,
  • horizontal wrinkles on the neck, the so-called tech neck,
  • symptoms of ageing in the hands – loss of volume, loose skin, wrinkles.

The treatment can also be used as anti-ageing prevention as early as from 35-40 years of age – this way, the skin ages slower, keeps its firmness and elasticity longer, and other signs of ageing appear on it later. KARISMA also helps you enjoy better skin condition during menopause, when rapid collagen loss, tissue sagging and atrophy occur due to falling estrogen levels.

The recommended protocol is 2 treatments performed at an interval of 1 month. KARISMA does not require many repetitions, which is also its distinguishing feature compared to other biostimulants, which are usually repeated 3-4 or sometimes even more times. Depending on age, lifestyle and skin quality, the effects of the treatment last from 6 to 12 months. After 4 months, it is worthwhile to perform a so-called booster treatment.  

The first results can be seen after just one treatment. It is a gentle filling of tissues achieved by using hyaluronic acid in the preparation. This is followed by an improvement in skin density and firmness over the next 3-6 months due to skin remodelling and increased collagen production. KARISMA ensures:

  • firming and rejuvenating the skin,
  • improving its density and elasticity,
  • smoothing of fine wrinkles,
  • an overall improvement in the quality and texture of the skin, which looks younger, fresher, smoother, tighter, and more radiant,
  • reduction of scars and stretch marks,
  • a natural facelift, improving face contour.

Duration of the procedure

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About 30 minutes. If anaesthesia is used, add to this at least 30 minutes (this is how long the anaesthetic cream must remain on the skin to work effectively).

Pain intensity

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Thanks to the use of the anaesthetic cream, the procedure is virtually painless. If performed with a cannula, anaesthesia is not necessary.


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The procedure does not require recovery; you can return to your daily activities immediately afterwards.

KARISMA – how does the procedure work?

Depending on the indication, KARISMA is administered by mesotherapy (a large number of shallow injections, one next to the other) or the so-called retrograde linear technique with a needle or cannula. Then only a few punctures are made, which for the patient means less risk of bruising after the procedure.

KARISMA – how to prepare for the procedure?

The treatment does not require any special preparation, but a few days before the procedure, avoid taking anti-inflammatories that can reduce blood clotting (such as the popular Aspirin), as they can increase the risk of bruises and haematomas after the injection, Do not consume coffee or alcohol on the day of the procedure. When planning biostimulative treatments, it is also a good idea to introduce vitamin C supplementation to your diet beforehand, as it further stimulates collagen production initiated by KARISMA administration.

„Podstawą młodego wyglądu jest zadbany wygląd skóry. Po zabiegach poprawia się jej gęstość, jędrność, sprężystość i powraca ten błysk odbijanego światła. Coraz więcej pacjentów ma tego świadomość i chętnie korzysta z zabiegów biostymulujących i poprawiających kondycję skóry w celu profilaktyki przeciwstarzeniowej.”

Dr Barbara Jerschina

KARISMA – recommendations after the procedure

Immediately after the procedure, the skin may be slightly red and swollen due to its puncturing (especially if the product was administered using the mesotherapy technique). These symptoms usually subside within a few hours, sometimes they can persist for 2-3 days. During this time, follow the typical skin care recommendations after injection treatments:

  • on the day of the treatment, we recommend that you do not wash your face or apply any creams,
  • from the next day, take care of the cleanliness of the skin, using mild cleansers; do not touch your face with dirty hands, do not wipe it with a used towel,
  • if there is redness or bruising, you can use special creams to speed up the healing of the skin after the procedure,
  • avoid swimming pool, gym, hot baths, and sauna for at least 1 week,
  • protect your skin with a high SPF sunscreen – injection sites are sensitive to UV rays,
  • usually the very next day you can apply makeup to your skin, preferably mineral makeup (with a clean brush),
  • we also recommend continuing vitamin C supplementation for at least one month after the treatment.

Call and make an appointment!

FAQ – frequently asked questions about KARISMA

KARISMA is primarily a biostimulant, that is, a product responsible for improving the quality and firmness of the skin. So if you need additional filling of, for example, the tear trough or nasolabial furrows, we can use a classic filler based on cross-linked hyaluronic acid, and in the case of facial wrinkles, botulinum toxin, or the popular Botox. We usually perform the treatments after a minimum of 2 weeks after biostimulation. We also can combine KARISMA with skin refreshing, cleansing and conditioning treatments, such as Silk Peel, Aquapure, Hydrafacial or Geneo, as well as modern technologies, such as lasers or plasma. However, for the safety and effectiveness of the entire therapy, it is a prerequisite that their sequence and intervals are planned in advance. Come in for a consultation with Dr Barbara Jerschina, who specialises in anti-ageing programmes.

Gaining popularity, biostimulation treatments stimulate the production of collagen and elastin in the skin, the so-called skin support proteins responsible for its firmness, density, and elasticity. The supplied hyaluronic acid further stimulates the rejuvenation and hydration of the skin.

We call KARISMA a so-called soft filler. It does not have strong filling properties like traditional cross-linked hyaluronic acid fillers, but thanks to its innovative formula, it provides a natural wrinkle-filling and facial contour rejuvenation effect. Above all, however, its purpose is biostimulation.

Pierwszy efekt jest widoczny praktycznie natychmiast – to poprawa napięcia i delikatnego wypełnienia skóry. Na optymalny rezultat należy jednak poczekać ok. 3 miesięcy, bo tyle trwa przebudowa skóry wywołana KARISMĄ – w tym czasie dochodzi do odmłodzenia skóry od środka, staje się ona bardziej jędrna i gęsta. 

The effect lasts about 6-12 months. It depends largely on your lifestyle, diet, and skin care habits. You should certainly avoid smoking and excessive sun exposure. These factors promote very rapid degradation of collagen, resulting in worse and shorter effects of biostimulation treatments. Keep in mind that the skin is ageing all the time. Despite the treatments used, it is an uninterrupted and constantly progressive process. However, thanks to products such as KARISMA, it can be slowed down and even partially reversed so that you can enjoy beautiful and firm skin longer!

  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding
  • Inflammation of the skin at the treatment site
  • Cancer diseases
  • Unregulated autoimmune diseases
  • Advanced diabetes
  • Keloid scar tendencies

Odpowiednio wykonany zabieg niesie małe ryzyko wystąpienia skutków niepożądanych. Zabieg wykonuje dr Barbara Jerschina, po odpowiedniej kwalifikacji pacjenta i wykluczeniu wszystkich przeciwwskazań. W naszej klinice dostaniesz też dokładne wskazówki, jak postępować ze skórą po zabiegu. Zapraszamy!

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