MonaLisa Touch

Extremely effective, laser treatment of intimate areas revitalization.

MonaLisa Touch – what is it?

MonaLisa Touch is an extremely effective laser treatment for revitalisation of the intimate area, which quickly and effectively eliminates many unpleasant intimate discomforts associated with age, past childbirths or menopause, such as atrophy or vaginal dryness, recurrent infections, and stress urinary incontinence. It is performed using the innovative SmartXide2 V2LR laser system, created for intimate area therapy and revitalisation of the vaginal mucosa. The laser uses a special pulse (D-Pulse) administered point-wise (DOT Therapy), so that its energy stimulates only a specific, safe area of vaginal tissue, triggering its regenerative process without risking damage to adjacent tissues and organs

Get to know the MonaLisa Touch treatment better

MonaLisa Touch is performed in the area of the vagina (internally and externally), vulva and anus.

The laser works by photothermal, non-ablative tightening of the vagina. Its controlled energy is delivered with an appropriately sized tip to the vaginal canal and the vaginal opening. As a result of the “warming” of the tissues, collagen shrinks – the vagina becomes tighter, more elastic and compact. The laser acts directly on the mucosa of the vaginal walls to stimulate metabolic activation of fibroblasts. Histological studies, carried out in collaboration with the University of Pavia, have shown that the MonaLisa Touch laser stimulates the synthesis of collagen and glycogen (responsible for tissue hydration) in the extracellular matrix. As a result, it regenerates the mucosa and restores the physiological pH and the proper composition of the bacterial flora, resulting in a reduced tendency to infection and irritation.


MonaLisa Touch jest też skuteczną metodą leczenia wysiłkowego nietrzymania moczu objawiającego się mimowolnym wyciekiem moczu podczas np. biegania, kichania czy tańczenia. Działanie lasera polega na wzmocnieniu ścian pochwy, powięzi wewnątrzmiednicznej oraz obszaru ujścia cewki moczowej. Obkurczenie tkanek powoduje zmniejszenie kąta nachylenia cewki moczowej i przywraca jej prawidłową funkcjonalność.


The treatments take a few minutes, are painless and often just one gives practically immediate noticeable improvement, and patients are very satisfied with the results! In many cases, revitalisation of the intimate area using the MonaLisa Touch method has a positive impact on the quality of our patients' entire lives, their self-acceptance, sense of attractiveness, and sexual satisfaction.

    • vaginal dryness, pain during intercourse,
    • vaginal atrophy,
    • vaginal relaxation syndrome,
    • mild to moderate symptoms of stress urinary incontinence,
    • recurrent inflammation and irritation of the intimate area,
    • تضخم أو عدم تناسق الشفرين،
    • discolouration and pigmentation changes in the intimate area,
    • scars from episiotomy during childbirth.

    In general, the MonaLisa Touch procedure can be recommended to all women who will sooner or later experience urogenital complaints, especially after childbirth and during menopause.

Many patients see visible improvement after just one treatment. Sometimes it needs to be repeated – usually 2 to 4 times no more often than every 4 weeks. For urinary incontinence, it is advisable to perform 3-4 treatments every 4-6 weeks, and then, to maintain the effects, once a year.

The first effects can be felt 3-7 days after the treatment. However, you have to wait about a month for the final effects. You can count on:

  • improving vaginal lubrication,
  • improving its tension, more elasticity,
  • a feeling of a tighter vagina, a reduction in its circumference,
  • reducing the tendency to intimate infections and irritation,
  • increasing sexual satisfaction,
  • reducing the symptoms of stress urinary incontinence,
  • aesthetic correction of external genitalia, such as labia minora hypertrophy, which affects not only labia appearance but also their functionality,
  • reduction of the visibility of scars in the perineal area,
  • reduction of complaints from the urogenital system during menopause,
  • postpartum rehabilitation.

The best results are obtained in premenopausal women and during treatment with hormone replacement therapy, when menopause has already occurred. Why? If there is a pause of estrogen action for too long, a couple of years, irreversible changes occur in the vaginal mucosa and treatment may be ineffective.

Duration of the procedure

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The treatment is very short and takes about 10-15 minutes.

Pain intensity

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The endovaginal procedure, which is performed inside the vagina, is completely painless! For external genitalia, local anaesthesia may be applied 15 minutes before the procedure, but it is usually not necessary.


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The procedure does not require recovery and you can return to your daily activities immediately afterwards. The main restriction is to avoid intercourse for 7 days.

How does the procedure work?

MonaLisa Touch laser treatments are performed with special tips: intra-vaginally (treatment of vaginal atrophy and stress urinary incontinence), externally within the vagina and rectum, as well as with a special head for surgical procedures (scalpel-free labiaplasty, with immediate coagulation, without bleeding). They are completely painless and take only a few minutes.

How to get ready for the procedure?

The procedure does not require any special preparations, but the patient must have a valid cytology test (taken no longer than 6 months before the appointment). It is also always preceded by a doctor’s consultation. 

“A holistic approach to female beauty and concern for the well-being of my patients resulted in the introduction of aesthetic gynaecology treatments to the clinic. MonaLisa Touch restores women’s confidence, sense of femininity and full comfort. It is a treatment for every one of us!”

Dr Barbara Jerschina

MonaLisa Touch – recommendations after the procedure

  • The procedure does not require a long recovery and you can return to your daily life. The only strict recommendation is to avoid intercourse for at least three (up to seven) days after the procedure.
  • To help the healing process after the laser treatment, you can also use vaginal globules such as those with hyaluronic acid during this time.
  • Avoid swimming pools and baths.
  • On the day of the procedure, limit intense physical exertion and do not lift heavy objects.

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FAQ – frequently asked questions about the MonaLisa Touch treatment

This laser perfectly complements the effects of hyaluronic acid fillers and mesotherapy of the intimate area. The goal of fillers is to restore volume in the labia majora, which disappears with age and in people who engage in intensive sports, while mesotherapy aims to hydrate and revitalise the external genitalia. The laser, combined with hyaluronic acid, also helps reduce the visibility of the scar from an improperly healed episiotomy. It can also be combined with plastic gynaecology and pharmacological treatment of menopausal symptoms.

No, it is a completely painless procedure, which comes as a surprise to many patients. It does not require anaesthesia, and the gynaecological heads used in it provide full comfort during the procedure. The patient may only feel a gentle warmth.

It depends. Usually vaginal lubrication and the reduction in inflammation and infections resulting from vaginal remodelling are observed after just one treatment. For stress urinary incontinence, the procedure may need to be repeated 3-4 times. 

We usually recommend repeating the treatment once every 1-2 years. It is also a good idea to have it done after giving birth, especially if you are planning another pregnancy – the tissues will be better prepared for it.

  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding
  • Inflammation, unhealed infections of the reproductive organs
  • Cancer diseases
  • Menstrual period

If done properly, the procedure is safe and has a low risk of adverse effects. Very rarely, there is minor bleeding/spotting after the procedure.  

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