Platelet-Rich Plasma

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Platelet-Rich Plasma – what is it?

Platelet-Rich Plasma is obtained from the patient’s blood. It has a powerful regenerative effect, visibly improving skin quality, and is used for various purposes in aesthetic medicine and dermatology treatments. It is an autologous preparation (obtained from the patient’s tissues), which makes it completely safe and perfectly tolerated. It does not irritate, does not cause allergies, and can be used even for people with sensitive skin. It is especially recommended for patients with sun-damaged, dry, sagging, wrinkled skin with uneven texture and colour. It is also great for anti-ageing prevention and supportively with other treatments in combination therapies. It also gives very good results in scalp mesotherapy for the treatment of alopecia and excessive hair loss.

Platelet-Rich Plasma (also known as PRP) is an autologous platelet concentrate in plasma. Platelet Rich PlasmaIt is obtained in a very simple way – first, blood is drawn from the patient (it resembles a “normal” blood collection for diagnostic purposes), then it is prepared in a special device, known as a centrifuge, which allows the separation of concentrated platelets with a small amount of plasma. The material obtained in this way is administered into the skin using a mesotherapy technique (it is also possible to apply plasma directly to the skin, like a serum, for example, after laser therapy treatments).

To what does plasma owe its remarkable regenerative properties? Concentrated platelets present in plasma are an essential component of tissue repair mechanisms, so they have been used for years in various fields of medicine, such as orthopedics, surgery, dentistry and ophthalmology. They deliver essential growth factors to the skin, which are responsible for many positive processes in the skin, such as: regeneration of the endothelium, stimulation of fibroblasts to produce collagen and elastin, stem cell differentiation, formation of new blood vessels, and healing processes. Thus, the effects of plasma are extremely versatile and comprehensive. The treatment leads to an improvement in the overall quality of the skin, its firming, hydration, and thickening. It improves skin colour, eliminates fine wrinkles, reduces acne scars, brightens, tones, and makes the skin look younger, more rested, and fresh.

Get to know the platelet-rich plasma treatment better

Most often, the PRP treatment is performed on areas such as:

  • face, including the delicate eye area,
  • neck and décolleté,
  • hands
  • scalp (treatment of alopecia, hair thickening),
  • intimate area (revitalisation).
  • anti-ageing prevention,
  • dry, periodically dehydrated skin,
  • loss of firmness and elasticity, skin flabbiness,
  • smoker’s wrinkles, fine lines and wrinkles,
  • crow's feet, dark circles and wrinkles under the eyes,
  • uneven skin tone, minor discolouration,
  • signs of photoageing, skin exposed to the sun and pollution,
  • so-called smoker’s skin,
  • grey, tired skin tone, skin lacking freshness,
  • small acne and post-inflammatory scars, skin in need of remodelling,
  • neck and décolleté ageing symptoms: wrinkles, discolouration, dryness,
  • damaged, dry hand skin,
  • skin in need of revitalisation and hydration after summer, winter or other exposure to harsh environmental conditions,
  • seasonal hair loss, androgenetic alopecia, preparation of hair for transplantation,
  • revitalisation of the intimate area,
  • speeding up skin healing after other, more invasive treatments, such as laser therapy.

For those with thin and dry skin, just one treatment can give noticeable improvement, but as with hyaluronic acid mesotherapy, we recommend a series of at least 2-5 treatments repeated every 4-6 weeks or according to the doctor’s recommendations. Such treatment is worth doing once a year, for example, after summer, to quickly regenerate skin exposed to harmful UV rays. For scalp treatments, after a series of at least 6-8 treatments, we recommend performing the so-called “booster treatment” once every 3-6 months to sustain the effects and prevent further hair loss.

Growth factors injected into the skin begin to take effect 72 hours after administration, and the first noticeable effects can be seen after about a week. Over the next 3-6 months, regenerative and recovery processes in the skin intensify, so that a progressive improvement in its quality and appearance can be observed over time. After the full series, you will gain:

  • improved elasticity, firming and thickening of the skin,
  • smoothing of fine wrinkles,
  • an overall improvement in the quality and texture of the skin, which looks younger, fresher, smoother, tighter, and more radiant,
  • evening out skin tone and brightening the skin,
  • smoothing skin texture,
  • reduction of acne scars and post-inflammatory marks,
  • skin hydration,
  • better nourishment and oxygenation of the skin, improving blood supply to the skin.

For scalp treatments, you can count on:

  • inhibition of excessive hair loss in the case of both androgenic and telogenetic alopecia (e.g., postpartum alopecia, seasonal hair loss, weakening of hair during improper weight loss),
  • faster growth of hair, which feels thicker, has a better texture, usually is better manageable,
  • strengthening and thickening of hair weakened and damaged by, for example, improper care and styling or frequent dyeing and bleaching.

In turn, the use of PRP in aesthetic gynaecology ensures:

  • hydration and revitalisation of the intimate area,
  • better blood supply to the area, which can improve the quality of sensation during intercourse.

Duration of the procedure

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Blood collection and preparation, followed by PRP skin injections, usually takes about 30 minutes. Add to this the time it takes for the anaesthetic cream applied earlier to take effect (min. 30 minutes).

Pain intensity

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Thanks to the use of the anaesthetic cream, the procedure of PRP injections is virtually painless. Some patients experience a slight pinching sensation. You must also be ready for temporary pain during blood collection (as with a typical collection for diagnostic purposes).


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The mesotherapy procedure involves many punctures, so directly afterwards, the skin may be red and slightly swollen, and small bruises or haematomas may appear. Usually, however, recovery does not last more than 1-3 days (thanks to the regenerative effect of PRP, many people note that recovery time is shorter than in the case of mesotherapy with other products). The very next day after the treatment you can conceal the marks with makeup.

Platelet-Rich Plasma – how does the procedure work?

  • The first step is always to anaesthetise the skin at the site of plasma injection with a lidocaine cream. Therefore, when planning your visit to the clinic, take into account that you will have to wait about 30-40 minutes for the anaesthetic cream previously applied to your face to take effect. Adequate time for the cream to remain on the face (covered with film for occlusion) is very important if you want a truly comfortable and painless procedure.
  • Plasma is obtained just before the procedure. It involves drawing blood (usually about 8-10 ml), just like during a regular diagnostic test, and then centrifuging it in a special device (the centrifuge). It takes literally a few minutes. This way, the platelet concentrate with a small amount of plasma is separated from the other blood components in the syringe.
  • Then, after washing off the anaesthetic cream, the doctor injects the plasma into the skin by making a large number of shallow punctures, one next to the other.
  • Finally, the face is washed with a disinfectant and the doctor applies a special post-treatment cream to the skin. You should not wash it off your face until the next day!

Platelet-Rich Plasma – how to prepare for the procedure?

The treatment does not require any special preparation, but a few days before the procedure, avoid taking anti-inflammatories that can reduce blood clotting (such as the popular Aspirin), as they can increase the risk of bruises and haematomas after the injection, Do not consume coffee or alcohol on the day of the procedure. If you are prone to herpes, it is a good idea to use a protective drug with acyclovir for 3 days before the procedure (and 3-5 days thereafter). We also recommend taking care of good body hydration beforehand to improve blood quality – drink more water for at least 2 weeks before the procedure.

“Platelet-Rich Plasma restores the skin’s youthful potential. The method has no risk of allergies and is often chosen by patients looking for natural solutions in aesthetic medicine. The treatment improves the skin's elasticity and tone, gives it a fresh glow and colour, and simply makes it look younger and more rested. It is great anti-ageing prevention for people from 30 years of age.”

Dr Barbara Jerschina

Platelet-Rich Plasma – recommendations after the procedure

PRP is administered by the mesotherapy method and requires adhering to identical post-treatment instructions as after mesotherapy. As a result of multiple punctures, the skin may be slightly red and swollen immediately after the procedure, and the puncture points may bleed slightly. These symptoms usually subside within a few hours, bruises can persist for 2-3 days. During this time, observe the following recommendations:

  • on the day of the treatment, do not wash your face and do not apply any creams,
  • change the pillowcase on which you sleep to a clean one,
  • from the next day, take care of the cleanliness of the skin, using mild cleansers; do not touch your face with dirty hands, do not wipe it with a used towel,
  • if there is redness or bruising, you can use special creams to speed up the healing of the skin after the procedure,
  • avoid swimming pool, gym, hot baths, and sauna for at least 1 week,
  • protect your skin with a high SPF sunscreen – injection sites are sensitive to UV rays,
  • usually the very next day you can apply makeup to your skin, preferably mineral makeup (with a clean brush).

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FAQ – frequently asked questions about the Platelet-Rich Plasma treatment

Osocze bogatopłytkowe znajduje wszechstronne zastosowanie w terapiach łączonych zwiększając ich efektywność i jednocześnie przyspieszając proces gojenia np. po laseroterapii. Możemy ten zabieg łączyć praktycznie ze wszystkimi metodami stosowanymi w naszej klinice w zależności od potrzeb, z zachowaniem odpowiednich odstępów czasowych. Doskonale łączy się z zabiegami odświeżającymi, oczyszczającymi i kondycjonującymi skórę, z rewitalizacją skóry metodą tradycyjnej mezoterapii czy karboksyterapią, może uzupełniać działanie laserów, wypełniaczy, peelingów czy toksyny botulinowej, a w przypadku owłosionej skóry głowy – innych zabiegów rewitalizujących. Zapraszamy na konsultacje u dr Barbary Jerschiny, która specjalizuje się w indywidualnym planowaniu programów przeciwstarzeniowych.

First of all, it is important to dispel the myth that the procedure involves injecting blood into the skin. PRP therapy uses concentrated platelets that have been extracted from blood, isolated and separated from other components in a small amount of plasma suspension. It is one of the safest substances used in medicine, provided, of course, that it is obtained and administered in the right way. The plasma is 100% natural, non-irritating and non-allergenic.   

Yes, it does. However, the most important effect is the stimulation of natural regenerative and recovery properties of the skin. Therefore, skin quality improves even 3 months after the procedure. After just one week, most people see improvements in skin tone, texture and tightness, resulting from the strong oxygenation and nourishment of the tissues.

PRP is one of the methods to inhibit hair loss, and it also stimulates hair regrowth. Of course, in the case of advanced alopecia symptoms, hair transplantation might be the only effective method, but plasma is then worth using beforehand to improve the quality of hair for transplantation. It is also an excellent method of thickening and strengthening thin hair, for example, after pregnancy.

Often you may encounter the use of plasma in the form of a serum or mask. Such an action makes sense if there has been prior controlled damage to the skin (e.g., by laser, deep peel, micropuncture). If this is the case, the plasma is quickly absorbed, and it also accelerates the healing process and intensifies the results obtained. However, if used as a stand-alone treatment, the best improvement result will always come from its administration directly into the skin by injection.

  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding
  • Inflammation of the skin at the treatment site
  • Cancer diseases
  • Unregulated autoimmune diseases
  • Advanced diabetes
  • Keloid scar tendencies
  • Disorders of blood coagulation, taking anticoagulants
  • Blood diseases
  • Menstruation on the day of treatment
  • Anemia

Properly performed, the procedure carries no risk of adverse effects and no long-term complications beyond temporary complications resulting from repeated puncturing of the skin, such as redness, swelling, or bruising. Since PRP is a natural and biocompatible substance, there is no risk of allergic reaction to the ingredients of the preparation or autoimmune response. The procedure is performed by Dr Barbara Jerschina, after the patient has been properly qualified and all contraindications have been ruled out. We encourage you to visit us!

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