Injection lipolysis

Precise reduction of excessively localised fat, double chin and pseudogynaecomastia!

Injection lipolysis – what does the treatment involve?

Injection lipolysis involves the injection of a special preparation with ingredients that cause the breakdown of fat cells into the fatty tissue. It penetrates the cell membranes of adipocytes, leading to the disruption of their structure and the breakdown of triglycerides into fatty acids and glycerol, which, released into the bloodstream, are then transported to the liver. There, the fats are broken down and then excreted from the body through the kidneys. As a result, the procedure allows you to get rid of excess fat from basically any part of the body. At our clinic, for injectable lipolysis, we use modern preparations based on sodium deoxycholate, or sodium salt of deoxycholic acid, which are considered the most effective.

It is worth knowing that lipolysis is a physiological process that occurs in the human body all the time, helping the body extract energy from fatty tissue, where it is stored. By administering sodium deoxycholate, we stimulate the process of lipolysis, which allows us to get rid of unwanted fatty tissue from selected areas. Keep in mind, however, that this is not a method of weight loss, but body contouring. It works well for people with localised excess body fat that cannot be gotten rid of with diet and exercise.

Get to know the procedure better

Injection lipolysis allows you to very precisely get rid of excess fat from such areas as:

  • abdomen
  • hips,
  • thighs,
  • back,
  • buttocks,
  • arms
  • knees
  • chin/jaw area,
  • neck,
  • breasts (for gynaecomastia in men),
  • arms
  • tyre belly,
  • postpartum belly,
  • so-called saddlebags,
  • so-called love handles,
  • back folds,
  • excess tissue on the inside and outside of the thighs,
  • fat on the inside of the knees,
  • so-called banana rolls under the buttocks,
  • double chin,
  • gynaecomastia (pseudogynaecomastia, when a man's breast hypertrophy is caused by excess body fat),
  • buffalo neck,
  • lipomas,
  • the unevenness that remains after liposuction, in combination with other treatments, can result in a significant improvement in the aesthetic effect of the procedure.
  • With little excess fat, one treatment is often enough to achieve a satisfactory result. For larger deposits, it is recommended to perform 2-4 and sometimes even more treatments at intervals of at least every 4 weeks (for one area). We can work on other areas after 2 weeks.

  • The procedure effectively gets rid of locally accumulated fatty tissue even from small areas, such as the chin or knees. Typically, a reduction in circumference of about 1-2 cm is observed at the site of lipolytic preparation administration after just 1-2 treatments. In the case of excessive and thick fat tissue, we can deepen the effect with more repetitions. Injection lipolysis is also a supportive method for treating cellulite.

Duration of the procedure

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Injection lipolysis is a fairly quick procedure that takes about 30 minutes. Add to this about 30 minutes for the anaesthetic cream applied earlier to the skin to take effect.

Pain intensity

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The procedure can be done under local anaesthesia, after applying an Emla-type cream, or after cooling the skin with special cold packs. Besides, there are few nerve endings in adipose tissue. This makes the procedure almost painless.


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Injection lipolysis, like any procedure involving skin puncturing, is associated with the possibility of swelling, redness or minor bruising. Usually, however, these symptoms resolve within 1-3 days. After the treatment, you can return to your daily life.

Injection lipolysis – how does the procedure work?

The procedure can be compared to mesotherapy, although the deoxycholic acid preparation is administered by making literally several injections. Injection lipolysis is painless, but the patient may feel a slight pressure during application.  

Injection lipolysis – how to prepare for the procedure?

  • Before any type of procedure to reduce body fat, it is recommended to drink more water.
  • On the day of the procedure, avoid drinking alcohol and coffee.
  • Also, you should not take any anticoagulants and blood-thinning drugs, such as aspirin, for at least five days before the procedure.

“Injection lipolysis is a medical procedure that allows us to quickly eliminate locally compacted fatty tissue. Indispensable for buffalo neck and double chin!”

Dr Barbara Jerschina

Injection lipolysis – recommendations after the procedure

  • After the procedure, we recommend wearing compression underwear to avoid swelling.
  • Keep the injection site clean so that complications from superinfection do not occur. The injection points heal quickly – usually in 1-3 days.
  • Reddening of the skin, swelling and possible bruising will subside spontaneously within a few days, but you can speed up the process by using special so-called “post-treatment” creams.
  • Immediately after the procedure, you can return to your daily activities, but we recommend avoiding intense exercise that day.
  • For 3-5 days, avoid taking drugs that can thin the blood and increase the risk of haematomas (such as aspirin).
  • After the procedure, we also recommend drinking large amounts of water (preferably 2-3 litres a day) to improve the removal of “dissolved” fat.
  • Follow a light diet so as not to put additional strain on the liver, whose job is to efficiently remove fat from the body.
  • After the procedure, massages and lymphatic drainage are also advisable.
  • Protect the injection sites from UV rays to prevent discolouration and post-inflammatory marks.

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FAQ – frequently asked questions about injection lipolysis

After the injection lipolysis procedure, massages and lymphatic drainage are advisable, as they accelerate the removal of broken fat from the body.We particularly recommend vacuum massage series Icooneas well as Scizer, Onda, Storz Medical.

Yes, it is a very effective fat reduction method with proven performance. Importantly, we can apply it very precisely, even on small areas. Each subsequent treatment intensifies the effect. It can be combined with many other treatments.

Proper handling before and during the procedure makes it painless. Spreading the product into the fatty tissue gives the sensation of slight pressure on the tissues but is not painful.

For small imperfections, just one treatment can produce the desired effect. However, we usually do 4-6 repetitions. We also often combine injection lipolysis for even faster results.

Yes, because fat cells are permanently destroyed and removed. Keep in mind that the treatments never result in the complete removal of fat from a particular area. Besides when you gain weight, the circumferences in other areas of the body will increase.

It is not advisable because in order to cause damage to fat cells, we need to cause local inflammation in the tissues. Too extensive inflammation would be a heavy burden on the body. Besides, after the procedure, the liver has to get rid of the broken down fat, and its capacity is limited at one time. Therefore, we usually do not perform injection lipolysis on more than 2-3 areas in a single visit. Injection lipolysis of the abdomen is usually an extensive procedure that we perform separately. Its combination with other hi-tech methods and technologies used in our clinic ensures faster results.

These are two completely different procedures. Lipolysis involves damaging and removing fat cells through natural metabolic processes, which takes about 8-12 weeks, while liposuction involves damaging them and immediately “sucking them out.” In many cases, however, the effects are comparable, especially when treating small areas.

Instead, an alternative to liposuction is a comprehensive treatment aimed at reducing body weight using the most effective hi-tech technologies.

Injection lipolysis is a medical procedure and should only be performed by a doctor.

  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding
  • Inflammation of the skin at the treatment site
  • Blood clotting disorders
  • Kidney failure
  • Liver failure and diseases
  • Cancer diseases
  • Unregulated autoimmune diseases
  • Advanced diabetes
  • Recently tanned skin
  • Allergy to the ingredients of the preparation
  • A well-executed procedure, with correct patient qualification and the use of a high-quality, medical-grade product – as in our clinic – ensures very safe treatments without complications.
  • However, short-term side effects may occur at the injection site, such as redness, swelling, burning sensation, itching, bruising or haematoma. Special creams can be applied to them to speed up skin healing after aesthetic medicine procedures.
  • All these symptoms are non-threatening and should resolve within 1-3 days. If this is not the case or something worries you, contact our clinic as soon as possible.
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